Monochrome Watches
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The Future of CSS: CSS Toggles

A rather geeky/technical weblog, est. 2001, by Bramus

| By jmadmin | 2 min read |

Late last week, I was very delighted to see that Chromium will start prototyping with CSS Toggles, a proposal currently only available as an Unofficial Draft, authored by Tab Atkins and Miriam Suzanne (who else?!).

CSS toggles are a mechanism for associating toggleable state with a DOM element. This state can be defined and connected to activations through CSS properties, and can be queried in CSS selectors. This provides a declarative mechanism for specifying state that describes behaviors like the existing HTML behaviors for checkboxes or radio buttons.

The goal of this prototype phase is to experiment with the idea, verify if things would work out or not, polish the syntax, etc. — so yes, all this is still conceptual, highly experimental, and subject to change at the time of writing. Even though still a very early WIP, I already like where this is headed.

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The basic use-case would be something that resembles a light switch, which can go from 0 (inactive) to 1 (act

But there’s a lot more to the spec than just this basic use case:

A Toggle Root can host more than one toggle
A toggle can have more than 1 active state, so it’s not only 0 and 1
The states don’t need to be numbers, but can also be a set of words
The initial toggle state is 0 by default, but you can override that
An element can be both the toggle-root and the toggle-trigger. In that case, use the toggle property
The scope of a toggle value can be narrowed down to descendant elements only (instead of being visible to siblings and their descendants)
toggle-visibility allows you to show/hide an element based on a toggle value. Think of details/summary and scenarios where you would rely on the checkbox checkbox hack. Benefit to using toggle-visibility is that the contents of the element are always available to the UA for in-page-find and the like (cfr. content-visibility)
Toggles can be grouped using toggle-group. Handy for tab interfaces, where only 1 tab can be active at the same time.
Sticky toggles can not become inactive, there will always be one item active
State machines with transitions are being talked about
It’s pretty powerful stuff, which will take some time to wrap your head around. For me, it clicked once I saw Miriam’s demo site in action, which uses a polyfill to make things work.

Very curious to see where this headed …

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