Monochrome Watches
An online magazine dedicated to fine watches

Linde Werdelin test – part 1

| By Frank Geelen | 2 min read |

Finding a perfect vacation watch is a subject that has kept me busy for some years. When Linde Werdelin heard about my vacation plans they immediately asked me to test their 2-Timer. Is this the perfect vacation watch?

During the month of January i’m on vacation in India. No luxurious vacation, a basic backpacking trip that starts in Goa for a few days of pure relaxation! Linde Werdelin was so bold to lend me a 2-Timer so i could put it to the test. Last year i wrote a few times about my search for the ideal vacation watch on Monochrome and on At the end of this month i will post a complete review and my conclusions about the watch Linde Werdelin so kindly lend me for this vacation.

For now i will try to share a few impressions of the first days of my journey…. the Linde Werdelin 2-Timer on my wrist during the flight from Amsterdam to Mumbai.
Linde Werdelin 2-Timer

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Shortly after midnight I arrived at Mumbai international airport. To be quite honest, it’s not like international airports in Europe, the United States or Malaysia that i’ve seen before. However, after picking up my luggage and going through customs, there was something i could appreciate.
Welcome by Ulysse Nardin

Since it was well after midnight and the next flight wasn’t until the next day, the first night was in a hotel near the airport. The next flight was from another airport in Mumbai…
Linde Werdelin on my wrist

And in the airplane i took another quick photo of the 2-Timer.
Linde Werdelin 2-Timer

After my arrival one of the first things i did, was hiring a scooter…. and visiting a local market. The colors are beautiful… the smell… well, let’s just not talk about that. But it was fun to see the local watch dealer 🙂
Wanna buy a watch?

In a few days i’ll post more photos… if the gods of computers, internet access and power supply are willing.

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